Digestive Health

How to improve gut health

How to improve gut health - Colonics Toronto

Five steps to improve gut health

At Vitalife we see amazing transformations in gut health every day. Improving gut health is an interesting journey. No two are alike.

Improving gut health is not a simple task. It can be a labyrinth of pathways and a “windy” road. Vitalife is here to help improve your gut health with our 5 step process: remove, replace, repair, reinfuse, reset. 

1. Remove

Remove offending foods from your diet, try different combinations of food, and keep a food diary to track your progress. Doing this is a vital part of your journey to improve your gut health.

2. Replace

Replace offending foods with easy to digest gut-supporting foods, adding cooked vegetables, salads packed with herbs, a variety of fruits, fermented foods, and add more fiber to your diet. Not all fiber is created equal. Many foods contain soluble and insoluble fiber – the more natural and unprocessed the food, the higher it is in fiber. Eating high-fiber foods naturally increases bacterial diversity in the large intestine. Sorry folks, but there is no fiber in meat, dairy, or sugar.

gut health tonics - Vitalife Colonics Toronto

To relieve digestive disturbances (dyspepsia) try a digestive tonic like Canadian Bitters®. Traditionally used in herbal medicine, tonics are used to stimulate appetite, aid in digestion, and increase cholagogue.

3. Repair

Repair your gut tissue.

Try natural healing aids such as marshmallow root, slippery elm or ginger teas, and supplement with L-Glutamine.⁠⁠  For example, drinking ginger tea two or three times daily can assist with a sluggish bowel and is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that boosts immunity, reduces stress, protects the digestive system, and battles respiratory infections.

4. Reinfuse

reinfuse your gut with probiotics to balance good bacteria.

How to improve gut health remedies - Colonics Toronto
  • Bring back the good stuff! Probiotics help move food through your gut by engaging the nerves that control gut movement.
  • Switch up your probiotics seasonally, as over time they lose their efficacy.
  • Increase your intake of fermented foods to boost the number of beneficial bacteria found in your gut. ⁠⁠

5. Reset

reset your gut by gently removing old waste matter (constipation), improving your digestion, and detoxifying with a series of colonics!  Changing the way you treat your gut, and adding colonics as part of a health protocol is the next, best step.

Gut health redefined!

Remember the five “R” process: remove, replace, repair, reinfuse, and reset.

Learning how to improve gut health is an exercise routine and maintaining gut health requires patience, determination, and commitment. Trust your gut instincts and go for it!