Colon Health / Digestive Health

Tips for a happy, healthy colon

Happy healthy colon

Some things just are… and some things take work. Having a happy, healthy colon takes work. Here are some tips for good “shits” and guaranteeing a happy, healthy colon.


Every system in the body relies on oxygen. Breath is a basic life force. Deep breathing not only relaxes you, but allows your diaphragm to work on your intestines like a rubbish compactor. From cognition to digestion, effective breathing can not only provide you with a greater sense of mental clarity, it can also help you sleep better, digest food more efficiently, improve your body’s immune response, and reduce stress levels.

Reduce Stress.

Stress creates constriction and compression in the intestines. Stress produces cortisol and it is highly acid-forming. Cortisol leads to belly fat, and acid leads to disfunction of the colon.

Drink Clean Water.

But, how do you know how much water to drink? A good rule of thumb is to divide your body weight in half and drink that amount of water in ounces each day. Easy math!

Vegetable juice recipe

Eat More Fiber.

A balanced diet includes a blend of soluble and insoluble fiber. We should be eating 30 – 40 different varieties – weekly – of vegetables and herbs, whole grains, seeds, nuts and fruit. Reason we put fruit at the end is that people tend to “over-fruit” when trying to add fiber. Fiber should be added through different varieties of colon happy foods. An easy way to add more vegetables to your diet is to make fresh juice at home.

Decrease your intake of added sugar and processed foods.

Added sugars are the enemy! If you are taking in more than 20 grams of sugar daily, you increase your risk of an array of diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease, among many other auto-immune issues. Added sugar should be illegal as far as having a happy, healthy colon. Sugar is a killer. Plain and simple!

When it comes to processed foods, well, there are no words. An entirely new article in itself. Here’s a simple rule… if it has a label on it, it’s probably not that good for you.

Add oils.

Oils like olive, coconut, fish, flaxseed, and chia seeds help lubricate the colon and nurture the hormonal system. Just like the chains on our bikes and the engines in our cars, we need to oil our human engine.

Take probiotics.

Good bacteria, through probiotics, Kefir, fermented vegetables, are a vital part of the intestines’ ecosystem. They act like fertilizer for the garden, keeping out the weeds (bad bacteria) allowing good things to flourish.

Consider adding digestive enzymes.

You are what you eat! Almost true, but we definitely are what we digest. Enzymes help your food break down and assimilate for optimal nourishment. If you suffer from post-meal bloating or pain, concentrate on chewing your food – well – before swallowing, and supplement with a digestive enzyme.  Our clinics “Quantum Particles) are our enzymes of choice from Zencleanz. They increase absorption of nutrients in the blood and sooth GI inflammation. Take immediately after meals to aid digestion or as an anti-inflammatory between meals.

Mostly, a happy, healthy colon comes from making small changes over longer periods of time. Whether you have food sensitivities, eat too much processed food, or just simply eat too much, too fast, changing a few habits over time will bring good results.