Digestive Health / Liver Health

The Truth About Detoxing

The truth about Detoxing

If you want the truth about detoxing, read on… These past few years have taught me so much about why most people are not generally feeling well. So few are purposefully living a heathy lifestyle. Many think they are, and they say things like “I eat really well”, “my diet is very clean”, but that’s generally not the case once we start looking at general daily habits. When we start to pay attention to what we are putting in our mouths… it’s amazing the changes that take place. But first we have to understand why the mouth is the gateway to our health… or our sickness.

Our bodies are vessels that hold a myriad of things, mostly things you would not expect or could ever imagine. We are simply walking garbage bins. Think about that for a moment… what does your garbage bin looks like if you don’t rinse it out? Aha! This statement marks the moment my clients start to understand what living and eating for health looks like.

What is detoxing?

Detoxing is a way of clearing the body of harmful substances. Detoxing comes in many forms from juicing, to fasting, or intense oral or anal cleanses. Flora cleanses, natural cleanses, full body cleanses, salt, lemon, herbs, …. and so on. You get the picture.

Detoxing does not happen overnight, and success in detoxing comes with commitment, persistence, and ultimately, patience. No two detox experiences are alike and your process could last weeks, months, years! You are you! Your experience in detoxing is only yours and your entire life has bearing on every aspect of your detox. The truth about detoxing is we don’t know what to expect once you start.

If your goal is to detox your system, don’t waste your time or money. Your body is an expert at getting rid of toxins no matter what you eat.

— WebMD
Things that grow

Don’t believe everything you read

Interesting quote above. Hmmm, I say, don’t believe everything you read. Our body is created to remove toxins on its own, but only if we are doing our part! They forgot to mention that. “Our part” means NEVER eating anything that has been processed, deep fried, sugared or GMO’d! Impossible, right?

In order for your body to work the way it is built to work, you would have to live solely off the land – never, ever stepping foot in a grocery store, a Starbucks, or McDonalds. No processed, fried or sugary foods… you get my drift. If it doesn’t grow, your body will have difficulty eliminating it. Once you’re ready for this… you’re ready to start a detox process.

How do you start a detox?

Well, first, you have to decide if you are committed to the task. As I mentioned earlier, this process can take days, months, even years! Next… you start cleaning from the bottom. I always suggest a few colon cleanses before attempting any detox program. Why? Because, if your trash can is full when you start dumping toxins, this can lead to re-toxification! Re-toxification will be covered in another article.

Basically, you should clear your elimination pathway before you start dumping into it. It’s simply better for the body as a whole, and by cleaning your colon first, you set the stage for proper and more effective elimination of toxins.

Deciding which detox is best for you

Hmmm. Tough one. There are so many ways to do this. If you are seeing a Naturopath or other holistic practitioner, check in with them first. If they know you, they will have some suggestions that may save you some time and effort in doing your own research.

Do your own research to find your truth about detoxing

We are constantly chasing rainbows and looking for quick fixes. Detoxing is not that. We cannot build overnight, what took decades to breakdown. We detox one block at a time, one day, one layer. Do your own research. Talk to people, join detox groups, search the “world wide web”! No two detox processes are alike.

Our process at Vitalife

  1. Clean the colon (number of colonics determined per person based on their current health)
  2. Cleanse the upper GI (one-day at home) 1-3 times generally needed depending on age and current level of health
  3. Cleanse the liver (on-day at home) as many times as needed! The liver is a very large organ capable of healing, but it holds more than you can imagine!
  4. Develop a maintenance plan for a long and healthy life! Generally, this means keeping colonics in your schedule every so often and revisiting internal GI and liver cleanses every so often.

Thinking about a detox?

Call or email us. We would be happy to walk you through a plan and discuss a pricing model.