Liver Health

Love Thy Liver!

If you have ever visited this clinic, then you know how much emphasis we put on liver health. The liver is always in the spotlight here at Vitalife. Why? Because, the liver cleans your blood, and your blood is your lifeline. Think about it… if your liver isn’t working at full capacity, or is struggling with congestion, it’s not cleaning your blood! If it’s not cleaning your blood, then it’s circulating dirty blood. Ick.

The liver is responsible for metabolizing nutrients from the food we consume. It breaks down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into usable forms, which are then distributed to different parts of the body. This process is crucial for providing energy and maintaining a balanced metabolism.

Furthermore, the liver acts as a detoxifying agent by filtering harmful substances from the bloodstream. It neutralizes and eliminates toxins, drugs, and alcohol, preventing them from causing damage to other organs. Without a healthy liver, these toxins can accumulate and lead to serious health issues.

This article will touch on benefits and improvements in our health that come from supporting our liver.

So to keep with the theme of things, here are some ideas to help you provide your liver with support while it works endlessly to keep your body working!

Liver-Loving Veggies

Love thy liver! The liver loves, loves, loves certain foods because they contain particular substances that help it flourish and function better. Some fan favorites include onions, garlic, mustard greens, watercress, asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, beets, and artichokes. These are just a few. Feeding your body foods that help the liver, is really just smart. Feeding it things that don’t support health, will have a negative impact, and eventually a negative outcome.

Herbal Teas

There are a lot of options available on the market for liver supporting herbal teas. A few of the more well known options include dandelion and milk thistle. These teas take a more gentle approach to supporting the liver, but can make overall function and state of the liver, better day-to-day.

What about Coffee?

Here’s a good coffee alternative:

I never tell people to quit coffee, but you do have to moderate it. One a day is fine, 10 is not, and if a healthier alternative is available, then it’s always a good idea to at least try it. Let’s face it, caffeine is a drug, and drugs put undue stress on the liver.

Citrus fruits

Combining this citrus fruit with room temperature water first thing in the morning is a gentle but effective way to implement a ‘mini’ detox for your liver. It’s the specific characteristics of lemons that help the body rid and flush toxins easier. A simple, but effective option for maintenance.


Lack of hydration will hinder liver function making is more difficult for the liver to filter toxins or metabolize other waste. Drink water after waking up, before eating a meal, before and after physical activity and before bed. This will ensure your liver has assistance to function more efficiently.

Typical causes of dehydration are: not drinking enough fluid or losing more fluid than you take in. Fluid loss can happen through sweat, tears, vomiting, urine or diarrhoea. The severity of dehydration can depend on a number of factors, such as climate, level of physical activity, water intake and diet.

You may not even know you are dehydrated – or what you are doing to cause dehydration. Surprise! Decaffeinated beverages and energy drinks are extremely acidic, meaning they can soak up water in the body and dehydrate you without you actually realizing, thereby hindering the most basic metabolic processes in the body.

Booze Break

I don’t mean like a coffee break, I’m referring more to a time-out, or maybe a bit more moderation in regards to overall consumption. As I’ve mentioned, the liver deals with everything that enters the body…especially substances that it sees as a threat and/or danger, so there’s no surprise that alcohol falls into the threat category. The liver not only has to figure out HOW to filter this intensely acidic substance, but then it must execute a plan once it decides how to do so. As well as food and environmental factors, alcohol, as we all know, can cause congestion in the liver and ultimately damage the liver.

Reduce Chemical Exposure

Because the liver processes, neutralizes, and filters every single thing that enters the body, it would make the most (and best) sense for us to only be putting things in and on our bodies that we know it will recognize. Foods that are whole, natural, organic, and ideally free of as many chemicals as possible. Cleaning and beauty products, a major contributor to liver stress and congestion.

In the world we live in today, this can be difficult. So, do the best you can! Buy organic and whole foods when possible, limit foods that are processed or refined, and moderate your intake of substances such as marijuana and alcohol.

Making your own cleaning and beauty products (there are tons of recipes for this stuff), and doing our best to generally minimize our exposure to chemicals and toxins in our everyday lives is a really great step also. Just be mindful about everything that goes in and start to reduce the toxic load on your body. My skin care routine has really simplified from using numerous products daily, to using 2 products day and night. I cleanse and moisturize with coconut oil that I have added 6 drop of clove and lemon essential oil. Simple, inexpensive, and safe.

Overall Liver Health

The liver also plays a key role in the production of bile, a substance necessary for the digestion and absorption of fats. Bile helps in the breakdown of fats into smaller molecules, aiding in their absorption in the intestines. A malfunctioning liver can result in poor digestion and nutrient deficiencies.

Moreover, the liver is involved in the synthesis of essential proteins, such as blood clotting factors and immune system components. These proteins are crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system and preventing excessive bleeding.

Additionally, the liver stores important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, D, E, K, and iron. It releases these nutrients into the bloodstream as needed, ensuring their availability for various bodily functions.

To maintain optimal liver health, it is essential to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This includes consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, while limiting the intake of processed foods, alcohol, and excessive fats. Regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding smoking are also beneficial for liver health.

Love Thy Liver

The liver works hard and it has a myriad of responsibilities that are crucial to the overall operation of the body. It only makes sense in knowing this, that we do what we can to support its function and improve its life (and ours) in any way we can! Liver flushes!!!

Click here for Awesome Liver Flushes – Cleanses I use exclusively in the clinic. Your health is the most important thing you can spend money on, and liver health is at the top of the list for maintaining health! Clean blood, happy body!