
Colonics – How and Why

How colonics work

How do colonics work? By gently filling the colon with warm filtered water, we soften old fecal matter and stimulate the colons natural peristaltic action.  This cleaning process clears excess mucus, fecal matter, gas, environmental and food pollutants, medication, and other harmful toxic substances.

Why colonics work?

Clean colon, strong immune system. We don’t talk about poop enough. It is literally the most important thing to keep your eyes on. Your poop tells you everything!

Cleaning the colon decreases the toxic load on the body’s other elimination organs. It resets balance and enhances immune function. Bowel waste contains toxins which can permeate the colon walls, enter the bloodstream, and cause symptoms like: fatigue, fogginess and anxiety, irritation and inflammation, bloating, chronic illnesses and pain, etc. 

Impacted waste impairs the colon’s ability to absorb minerals and nutrients. This waste build up also inhibits muscular or “peristaltic” action causing sluggish bowel movements, constipation, and/or diarrhea, and eventually leaky gut and/or diverticulosis.

Diverticulosis is a condition that occurs when small pouches, or sacs form and push outward through weak spots in the wall of your colon. When diverticulosis becomes symptomatic with pain, bleeding, inflammation, or other complications, doctors diagnose this condition as diverticular disease or diverticulitis.


I will ask again. Why colonics? True body health! To maintain proper daily function, you must have a properly working gut and upper GI system. If you’re not pooping, you’re probably not absorbing, and you’re definitely not living well!

Colon cleansing, intestinal lavage, colon irrigation, aqua therapy. Call it what you want… but make the right decision and at the very least, and add colonics to your regular routine. You will enjoy the benefits of improved overall health.

Why clean your colon? Why wouldn’t you clean your colon…

At Vitalife Clinic we are proud users of both the Wood’s Passive Gravity (closed) System and the Aquanet Pressure Fed EC-2000.

Do I need colonics?

Colon hydrotherapy is a very effective way to remove waste and toxic build-up from the colon, without the use of drugs or supplements. Seeing what comes out tells us what’s going on inside your gut. Your poop tells you who you are inside!

Almost everyone can benefit from colonics. Your colon is part of a major elimination pathway for your body. If it is not functioning properly, toxins accumulate, reabsorb, and recirculate in the body. Colon hydrotherapy is used to maintain a healthy working colon, which enhances health, and prevents disease.

Preparing for your treatment

3 to 5 days prior

Increase your fiber, and water intake, and eat lighter foods.

Reduce your intake of heavy proteins like red meat and pork. Lower your sugar intake, avoid baked goods, and deep fried food. Releasing can be more challenging if your upper digestive tract is full. 

Day of your treatment

Arrive 10 minutes early to relax and unwind, and allow 40-60 minutes for your session.


Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics

To get the digestive juices flowing and make your sessions easier, take digestive enzymes and probiotics one to two weeks leading up to your appointment.


Reasons vary as to why you would not able to receive this treatment. But most people can safely have a gentle cleaning.

Some contraindications include: diverticulitis (active), ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s, severe hemorrhoids, gallstones, anemia, current use of steroids, uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes, high or low blood pressure, tumor in the rectum or large intestine.

READ MORE about contraindications, and speak to a therapist about special considerations.

How many, and how often?


We strongly advise starting with a series of colonics. The number of sessions depends on you and your habits. These initial sessions should be booked as closely together as possible for best results.

Our formula for success

Your age divided by 10. Example: 60 yrs / 10 = 6. This gives us and idea of the minimum number of sessions required to clean your colon sufficiently. Your personal life habits (mostly what you put in your mouth) will have an impact on your success. You may require fewer treatments then the math suggests, and often times you require more. This is a general theory we use as a starting point.

  • The number of sessions for you depends on the age at which you start your treatments. Your lifestyle habits and other factors, like exposure to elements, chemicals, and environmental toxins, have an impact on the timing of your results.
  • After having your initial cleanse with us, we can decide what your protocol looks like going forward. Remember, no two people are alike. Each body requires its’ own treatment schedule. Speak to your therapist about the perfect plan for you.
  • Repeating the process helps permeate areas of accumulation where there may be blockages.
  • The flow of water acts as a solvent to soften and break down encrusted waste. This process takes time.
  • Restoring the shape and muscle tone (peristalsis) of the colon requires time and exercise. The same way any other muscle would require a workout to tone and strengthen.

Benefits experienced from colonics

  • Improved digestion (reduce bloating and acid reflux), 
  • noticeable decrease in inflammation and pain,
  • increased energy,
  • clearer eyes and skin,
  • improved bowel function,
  • increase in mental clarity,
  • fewer food sensitivities,
  • better absorption of nutrients, and minerals.

Additional advice about colonics

Benefits can be accelerated and intensified by taking a soluble fiber and other supplements throughout the course of a series. Soluble fiber adds bulk to fecal waste. This causes waste to swell and push against the wall of the colon. Pressure against the colon wall provokes contractions (or peristalsis), propelling waste through the bowel.

Most people lack sufficient fibre in their diet. A lack of fiber inhibits the formation of stool in a normal size and shape that can be easily passed. Fiber acts as a potent cleanser, attracting encrusted waste and absorbing mucus and other debris. Supplements, if needed, can help with internal lubrication to assist in your treatments.

Are laxatives an alternative

Laxatives, herbal or chemical, create dependency. Instead of strengthening the colon, laxatives weaken the colon’s natural ability to self-cleanse and eliminate waste effectively. Colon hydrotherapy is not habit-forming, and each session helps strengthen peristalsis and rebalance the colon.

After your initial colon cleanse, colonics on a regular basis will help prevent illness and maintain good health.

Contact us to learn more or get answers to questions you may have.