Colon Health

Energy, Please!

Energy matters

pop and sugar
Energy Drinks

In a world where we are constantly racing around, energy seems to be the one thing that we can’t seem to get enough of. Energy drinks, juices, and some colas, might be doing more harm than good when we consider the amount of caffeine and sugar in just one alone. Thankfully, there are things we can do to help ourselves that don’t involve crazy high amounts of caffeine and sugar that will benefit the body in more ways than just improved energy levels.

Clean your colon

Most people report noticing an increase in energy and a decrease in body pains after having a colonic.  A gentle cleanse of filtered water through the colon is never a bad thing, and once you see and feel the results of this simple treatment, you’ll wonder why you hadn’t tried it before. 

Sleep = Energy

Surprise! Getting a good night sleep is key in strategy to feeling rested and energetic the next day. We can’t expect our bodies to function all day – physically and mentally – if we don’t let it rest and repair.  Anywhere from 6-9 hours, depending on the person, works best.  Close the blinds and shut down the electronics, or better yet… leave them in the other room.  Not only will you feel better the next day, but getting up will be a lot easier.

Ditch the sugar

We don’t mean fruit – we are referring refined sugar and processed foods. When we consume sugar our blood sugar levels spike, and when something goes up, it has to come down. So, that quick spike in blood sugar is followed by a quick plummet in blood sugar – in other words, you’ll get a burst of energy followed by a crash. If this is our pattern everyday all day, there is no wonder that energy levels will be in the dumps. Solution? Nutrient dense whole foods, friends. Train your pallet to crave fruit when you need a sweet fix – not baked goods, candy, or pop.

Take care of your adrenals

If we are go, go, go all the time and our diet is a mish mash of refined and processed foods, we are going to be tired and so are our adrenal glands. We are going to bottom these guys out if we don’t take care of ourselves, and depending on how bad we bottom them out, it can take a long time to get back to working order.  Believe it or not, one of the best things we can do for our adrenal glands, is rest!  A good excuse to get horizontal!  In addition to rest, avoiding over consumption of things like coffee and sugar, will also help keep the adrenals in check.

There is SO much we can do to energize ourselves and we have really just skimmed the surface with these points – but by avoiding problem foods and incorporating supportive herbal supplements, we can start to get ourselves back on track.